Philip K. Dick
Philip Kindred Dick (December 16, 1928 – March 2, 1982) was one of the most inventive, talented and troubled SF authors of all time. Famous for his explorations of what we mean by reality and self, and also of the effect of drugs, religion and emotion on our perceptions, his works may sometimes be 'difficult' but they are invariably rewarding, and never dull. Spending most of his life in San Francisco he struggled at times with amphetamine drug abuse, was married five times, tried to commit suicide at least once, and made numerous claims in his later life of experiencing paranormal activities. He spent much of the 1950's writing many non-genre novels, none of which were ever published at the time ("...but what's it all about?", complained one editor). He made his big breakthrough in 1962 with the publication of The Man in the High Castle, an alternate history novel that won the Nebula Award. He went on to write many highly successful and popular books and many of his novels and short stories have been filmed. He died in 1982 from the complications from a stroke, only a few months before Ridley Scott's film Bladerunner was released; the film was based on his great 1968 novel, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Movie adaptations of Philip K. Dick works
SF Awards won by PKD
The Man in the High Castle - 1963 Hugo Award Best Novel
Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said - 1975 Campbell Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
A Scanner Darkly - 1978 BSFA Best Novel
8 Essential Short Stories
8 Essential Novels
1. We Can Remember it for you Wholesale
2. The Electric Ant
3. Minority Report
4. Autofac
5. Second Variety
6. The Preserving Machine
7. Beyond Lies the Wub
8. Paycheck
1. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
2. Ubik
3. The Man in the High Castle
4. The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch
5. Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said
6. Time Out of Joint
8. Martian Time Slip
SF Novels
Solar Lottery (1955)
The World Jones Made (1956)
The Man Who Japed (1956)
The Cosmic Puppets (1957) - written 1953
Eye in the Sky (1957)
Time Out of Joint (1959) - the earliest great PKD SF novel
Vulcan's Hammer (1960) - written 1953
Dr. Futurity (1960) - written 1953
The Man in the High Castle (1962) - Hugo Award winner
- Excellent
The Game-Players of Titan (1963)
Martian Time-Slip (1964) - Excellent
Dr. Bloodmoney, or How We Got Along After the Bomb (1964) - Nebula Award nominee
The Simulacra (1964)
Clans of the Alphane Moon (1964)
The Penultimate Truth (1964)
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch (1965) - Nebula Award nominee - mind-bending & excellent
The Crack in Space (1966)
Now Wait for Last Year (1966)
The Unteleported Man (aka Lies, Inc.) (1966)
The Zap Gun (1967)
The Ganymede Takeover (1967)
Counter-Clock World (1967)
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (1968) - Nebula Award nominee
- Excellent, basis for Bladerunner
Nick and the Glimmung (1968) - Children's SF novel
Ubik (1969)
- Excellent
Galactic Pot-Healer (1969)
A Maze of Death (1970) - Excellent
Our Friends from Frolix 8 (1970)
We Can Build You (1972) - written 1962
Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said (1974) - Hugo, Nebula & Locus Award nominee
- Excellent
Deus Irae (with Roger Zelazny) (1976) - written 1964
A Scanner Darkly (1977) - British SF Award winner
- Excellent
VALIS (1981) - Excellent
- 1st book in VALIS trilogy
The Divine Invasion (1981) - British SF Award nominee - 2nd book in VALIS trilogy
The Transmigration of Timothy Archer (1982) - Nebula & Locus Award nominee
- 3rd book in VALIS trilogy
Radio Free Albemuth (1985) - written 1976, published posthumously
Non-Genre Mainstream Novels
Dick wrote twelve mainstream novels in his first decade writing. All were rejected by publishers at the time of submission. Confessions of a Crap Artist was finally published in 1975, and an additional eight novels have now published posthumously. Three manuscripts have been lost. The year of composition is given, below.
1950 Gather Yourselves Together - published posthumously 1994
1952 Voices from the Street - published posthumously 2007
1954 Mary and the Giant - published posthumously 1987
1956 The Broken Bubble - published posthumously 1988
1957 Puttering About in a Small Land - published posthumously 1985
1958 In Milton Lumky Territory - published posthumously 1985
1959 Confessions of a Crap Artist - only mainstream novel published during Dick's lifetime
1960 The Man Whose Teeth Were All Exactly Alike - published posthumously 1984
1960 Humpty Dumpty in Oakland - published posthumously 1986
Original SF Short Story Collections
A Handful of Darkness (1955)
The Variable Man And Other Stories (1957)
The Preserving Machine (1969)
The Turning Wheel and Other Stories (1977)
The Golden Man (1980)
Complete Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick Series
Volume 1: Beyond Lies the Wub - stories 1952-53
Volume 2: Second Variety - stories 1953-54
Volume 3: The Father-Thing - stories 1953-59
Volume 4: Minority Report - stories 1955-64
Volume 5: We Can Remember It For You Wholesale - stories 1964-81